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For Parents
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Latinas Promoviendo Comunidad/Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc. encourages parents to learn more about our organization and how membership would benefit your student. The Sorority’s vision is to create a lifetime network of Hermanas dedicated to empowering themselves and their communities. You as a parent are essential to the life of this network.

We encourage you to attend a sorority sponsored event and get to know Las Hermanas of Lambda Pi Chi. Our members are more than happy to speak with you and address any questions or concerns you might have.

Below we have listed frequently asked questions that parents have. If you still have questions, please contact us at

My student is thinking of joining a sorority. What is the process?

If your daughter is interested in becoming a member and a Lambda Pi Chi chapter currently exists on her campus or local area, she may contact the chapter directly for more information. To see a list of our undergraduate chapter locations, please click here.

If she is interested in becoming a member and there is no Lambda Pi Chi chapter in your vicinity, or she is not sure who to contact, please contact our Vice President of Expansion via

What are the benefits for my child in joining a sorority?

By joining Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc. your child can become part of a lifetime network of women dedicated to empowering themselves and their communities. The Sorority provides its members with opportunities to unify women, promote community service to the local community, work towards the advancement of all people of color, enlighten our respective communities, sponsor cultural events and promote professional advancement by encouraging academic excellence, mentorship, and networking.

The Sorority prides itself in helping members develop their professional and leadership skills, including in academics. We strive to help students acclimate to the university or college environment, and provide guidance and support as generations of Hermanas enter and graduate college. Upon becoming members, we also become part of the national network of Hermanas.

How will joining Lambda Pi Chi, Sorority Inc. affect my student’s grades?

Latinas Promoviendo Comunidad/Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc. believes that the primary goal of all women attending an institution of higher learning should be to find success in their academic goals; joining a sorority is a valuable, but secondary experience that should complement and enrich a woman's academic success. Our goal is to provide a supportive network dedicated to our members’ personal and professional advancement. For this reason, we have developed programs that allow us to keep track of our members’ grades and their progress. If a member is not performing well academically, we reach out to them and develop a plan to address their issues. Our goal is not to hurt their grades but help them advance and achieve their full potential.

What are the financial obligations of Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc?

The Sorority is a not-for profit membership organization which means that our members are financially responsible for the viability of the Organization and the execution of successful programming. This financial responsibility is part of our lifetime commitment. Annual membership fees may differ from year to year.

Is hazing a concern for Latinas Promoviendo Comunidad/Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc?

No. The Sorority takes a formal stand against all hazing. We are a non-hazing organization and are committed to our National Anti-Hazing Policy. The policy can be found here.

What is the Sorority's alcohol policy?

All federal, state, provincial/local and college/university policies and regulations regarding alcohol use will be obeyed by all members of the Sorority. The consumption of alcoholic beverages by members who are under the legal drinking age is strictly forbidden by United States law. There shall be no consumption of alcoholic beverages at any undergraduate-sponsored or co-sponsored fundraiser or philanthropic event, including new member Sorority functions.