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Vision, Mission and Goals

Our actions give life to the ideals we hold dear to our hearts. But, it is through our Vision, Mission and Goals that we conceptualize who we are as an organization and as Hermanas.


A lifetime network of Hermanas dedicated to empowering themselves and their communities.


To empower women by providing a supportive network dedicated to their personal and professional advancement. Our Hermandad is further advanced by our shared dedication and promotion of public service and cultural awareness, with an emphasis on Latino history, contributions, and experiences.


  • To unify women through the promotion of the Latino community and the Latino culture;
  • To promote community service to the local community;
  • To work towards the advancement of all people of color with a special emphasis on the Latina;
  • To enlighten our respective communities about Latino cultural, social, and political issues;
  • To sponsor cultural events which identify and evaluate the existing and emerging roles of women with an emphasis on the Latina; and
  • To promote professional advancement by encouraging academic excellence, mentorship, and networking.


As a Latina Greek-lettered organization, we aim to promote and improve our communities. We also strive to be successful in our personal and professional endeavors. For this reason, our Founders encompassed all these goals when determining the ideals of our Hermandad. They chose La Comunidad, La Cultura Latina, and La Hermandad.

Untitled Document
  • La Comunidad
  • La Cultura Latina
  • La Hermandad

La Comunidad (The Community)


As our name suggests, we are fully committed to the participation and creation of public service programming that promotes our community. Our purpose is not only to educate, but also to utilize the vast resources at our disposal to create positive change for our community. We hope that by sharing our resources and knowledge, we can benefit others who have not had the same opportunities.

The importance of this ideal is stressed throughout our organization. All Sorority entities are required to adhere to national service standards. These standards are not only systematically met, but also consistently surpassed. While our chapters have the autonomy to determine which public service projects they participate in, we as a national entity come together on issues that we feel are of great importance to our community.

Learn more about our internal initiatives: Project L.E.A.A.P. & Proyecto H.A.C.E.R.

La Cultura Latina (The Latino Culture)


As Hermanas, we seek to educate ourselves and others about the history, experiences and contributions of the U.S. Latina in society, while simultaneously embracing the breadth of experience of all women. We try to bridge the gap between Latino experiences and promote intra-cultural understanding by recognizing the diversity of the "U.S. Latino" identity and utilizing the Sorority as a vehicle for unity. An enhanced knowledge of our cultural heritage coupled with authentic links to our home and ethnic communities are tools that can be used to nurture the growth of proud, productive social networks as well as to foster the development of proactive community members. Our Hermandad is a constant celebration of the rich ethnic diversity that exists within all of our communities.




La Hermandad (The Sisterhood)


We are bound by sacred traditions, unique to Latinas Promoviendo Comunidad/Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc. These traditions serve as the foundation for a lifetime support system that extends across a spectrum of experiences. This Hermandad is the means by which we support each other personally, academically, and professionally. It provides members of our organization the opportunity to share common experiences, while benefiting from each other's distinct perspectives. We seek to nurture personal growth and development in our members. Our motto, “La Hermandad Nunca Termina,” is representative of our lifetime commitment to each other and the special relationship we share.